Breens Intermediate School
โรงเรียนของเราให้ความสำคัญกับโอกาสสำหรับเด็กทุกคน ไม่ว่าจะเป็นด้านวิชาการ กีฬา วัฒนธรรม ดนตรี เทคโนโลยี ศิลปะ หรือด้านความเป็นผู้นำ
“Positive leadership is provided by Principal and staff, and positive examples are set by students in numerous leadership roles throughout the school.”

Breens Intermediate School Activities
Breens Intermediate School Tuition Fee Year 2023
Fees For International Students
Per Term: $3,000.00 or $12,000.00 full year amounts include GST
Set to Cover: 10 weeks per term
Short Term: $320 per week (less than 10 weeks)
Administration Fee: $200 for long term enrolment and $300 for short term enrolment
Government Levy: $420 per year, $105 per term or $10.50 per week
School Fees may be paid in full $12,000.00
Administration fee $200.00
Plus Government levy $420.00
or calculated weekly levy for short term Students
TOTAL $12,620.00 including GST
Teaching and Operating Costs for One Year
- Provide teaching staff/ Curriculum resources and equipment
- Provision of Text/Library Books/ Prospectus information
- Amenity/Paper Fee/ Technology maintenance/ Reporting to Parents
- Administrative Costs/ Specialist Teaching Fees/ Hard Technology/ Art Foods Technology/ Textile Technology/ Tuition in Music/ Tuition in Computers
Students will need to pay additionally for camps, class trips & performances that are extra to the regular curriculum and are being paid by all children of the school.